Meet Our Fish

Have you ever seen a sexy fish? We have! Not only do our fish taste amazing - they are one of the most beautiful sights to behold.

A happy fish is a tasty fish.

We genuinely love our fish (seriously, you think you take too many selfies with your dog? You should see our team chat!) and we know that a high quality, healthy product comes from happy, cared for, fish.

Quality over quantity: over crowded ponds can lead to disease and poor water quality - so we make sure our natural ponds don’t get too crowded so the fish have plenty of space to grow.

Less-stressed: fun fact - fish can get really fatigued during the summer months, and an overfished pond can lead to stressed-out fish. We close the farm for the month of February to give the fish plenty of rest time.

Healthy & natural fish food: we source the healthiest fish food currently available, and are exploring options to create our own organic food. Keep your eye out for more developments!

  • Oncorhynchus mykiss

    Known for their distinctive pink stripe along the sides, rainbow trout are a popular freshwater species. They thrive in cold, clear streams and are prized by anglers for their spirited fights.

  • Salmo trutta

    Brown trout are characterised by their brown and gold hues. They are a species of freshwater fish that inhabit rivers and lakes. Brown trout are known for their elusive behaviour, making them a challenging catch for fishers.

  • Salvelinus fontinalis

    Brook trout, also known as speckled trout, are characterised by their striking colours and patterns. They prefer cold, clear streams and are highly sought after by anglers for their beauty and elusive nature.

  • Hybrid of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)

    Tiger trout exhibit a unique pattern with dark vermiculations on a light background. This hybrid results in a fish that combines characteristics of both brown and brook trout.

  • Oncorhynchus aguabonita

    Native to high-altitude streams, golden trout are known for their vibrant golden-yellow coloration. They inhabit pristine mountain waters and are often considered a symbol of the alpine environment.

  • Salmo salar

    Atlantic salmon are an anadromous species, meaning they migrate from freshwater to the ocean and back when in the wild. They have silver scales and are known for their remarkable journeys upstream to spawn.

  • Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

    Chinook salmon, also known as king salmon, are the largest species of Pacific salmon. They have a distinctive appearance with black gums and irregular spotting. Chinook salmon are highly prized for their size and flavour, making them a popular catch for keen fishers.